Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Joseph's Great Faith

So… every time I read about Joseph in the Bible, I am in awe of him. 

I wish I had that kind of faith in God’s providence.  But I don’t, and I freak out whenever life throws question marks at me.  Why would I lose that job?  Why would I get that job?  Why am I in Winston-Salem?  Why do I have bi-polar?  What does that even mean? 

But… Joseph… so he was a daddy’s boy… if you have a bunch of brothers that resent you for being the favorite, would you think to watch your back?  Well, if you have that many brothers gang up on you, I’m not sure what kind of odds you’d have. 

Still, if my brothers sold me into slavery, I would be like, what the heck?  God, why are you doing this to me? 

So then, Joseph is sold to this Egyptian stud senator, Potiphar, and the household flourishes and is blessed because of Joseph.  You think, things are looking up again for Joseph.  Maybe there was some greater purpose for his being sold into slavery. 

Except Potiphar’s wife tries to seduce him, and what does he get for resisting the temptation?  Thrown into jail. 

Seriously.  I would have been saying that to God.  Seriously?  Prison?  What is going on?  Why me? 

But then, he ends up being put in charge of the prison.  God blesses him again. 

Then he does a little dream interpretation for a few of Pharaoh’s servants.  And his interpretations come true.  The servant that is restored to Pharaoh’s service then forgets about Joseph’s help. 

Seriously?!  I thought this was it, and I’d be getting out of jail!  But no, stuck in jail even longer. 

Until Pharaoh needs help with his own crazy dreams.  That’s when the servant says Oh yeah there’s this Joseph fellow in jail who interpreted my dream and it came true, maybe he can help you out. 

I would be a little freaked out if I was in jail and the president sent for me and said, I’ve had this troubling dream and I’ve heard you can tell me what it means.  YOIKS! 

Thankfully, God was with Joseph, helped him interpret the dream.  Actually Joseph straight up tells Pharaoh that God will interpret the dream. So, he does, through Joseph, and then Pharaoh makes Joseph second in command.  CRAZY. 

But, Joseph is able to wisely store the abundant harvests of Egypt and then provide food during the famine of the land.  And he saves many lives.  And his family does end up bowing down to him. 

Joseph tells his brothers what they intended for harm, God intended for good. 

We don’t get a description of the inner battles of Joseph, only that he continued to have faith in God regardless of his circumstances.  I hope to learn that he struggled with his faith at times, too… to give me hope that God can indeed grow my faith in Him in all circumstances.  God has a plan and a purpose for everything. 


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